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Spider Tanks How to Earn? How to Play ? Earn $10 Dollars A Day Playing Spider Tanks

Spider Tanks  How to Earn? How to Play ? Earn $10 Dollars A Day Playing Spider Tanks

Spider Tanks Crypto Game is an epic new player versus player nft battle arena where you can play to earn cryptocurrency

spider tanks is a Next Generation web 3 game that Awards silk cryptocurrency for playing games.

silk can then be exchanged for ethereum or US dollar meaning that by playing Spider tanks, you earn money that can be used to buy food in real life.

In this blog  I’ll be teaching you everything that you need to know to go from zero to hero. I’ll start with a brief overview of the game and a quick tutorial on creating your Gala account and setting up your wallet and installing the game.

second we’ll dive into the gameplay and game modes of spider tanks in more depth and third we’ll take a look at how play to earn works in spider tanks 

Examining player ownership ,nft upgrading and how to increase the resale value of your sweet spider tanks.

 How to Download Spider Tanks

  • It’s very important to write down your wallet phrase and keep it safe this phrase can be used to access your gala wallet from anywhere and you can use the phrase to link your gala wallet to metamask
  • Navigate to spider tanks and click install, this game is 100 free to play and earn, it is playable with constant updates and improvements on the way if you own a tank you will earn more 

How to Play Spider Tanks

  • Spider tanks is a player versus player brawler designed and developed by the award-winning Netherlands based studio GAMEDIA. 
  • Players choose between a number of tank bodies and weapons in the garage and then battle it out in one of many spider tanks arena maps.

  • Experiment with unique combinations of tank bodies ,weapons and special items in the battle arena  putting your skills and firepower to the test against worthy opponents.
  • the greater you upgrades the more powerful you will become 
  • In the heat of battle -strategy is everything and spider tanks are loaded with different game modes allowing your team to work together to outsmart and outgun the competition.

There are 6 playable game modes 

Team Deathmatch

Two three-player teams battle it out with the goal of destroying as many enemy tanks as possible in a limited time, the more kills racked up by your team the greater your play to earn rewards in that death match 

Capture the flag 

  • It is the classic game of team strategy with the added metal on metal mayhem spider tank springs.
  • As long as your team is holding the flag your score will continue rising but watch out the enemies will be gunning for you because when they grab the flag then their team starts getting points
    Spider Tanks

Capture the chicken 

  • Chickens are very special in the world of spider tanks and several have been scattered throughout the battlefield .
  • The team that rescues the greatest number of chickens will be crowned the victor of capture the
  • chicken and win those sweet rewards.Spider Tanks

King of the Hill

  • The task here is to reach the hill point and control it .The enemy will try to snatch the victory point .Battle it until the enemy is finished to get the control point and hold on for dear life to find victory there.

Poultry Pusher 

  • The task here is to protect the Giant chicken from entering into the enemy lines .The chicken is big in size and walks in a lumbering way behind enemy lines .
  • If chicken enter the enemy lines thy will finish him and the gamer will lose the game in stipulated time 

Spider Tanks

Kill Confirmed

  • In this mode the enemy tank lays egg .In order to retrieve the eggs the gamer has destroy the enemy tanks.Until he last tanks is destroyed the gamer will lead the team to victory

Spider Tanks

How play  to Earn Money works 

Spider tanks are free to play but use cutting edge blockchain technology that unlocks every player’s power to earn.

The play to earn mechanics of spider tanks revolves around skill based competition resource collection and player driven upgrade cycles that allow players to earn real rewards.

Earning as a free to play player can come in two ways either by piloting rented tanks or by using free tanks 

Now free to play players will enjoy that they can start with a free asset and grind upward to greater levels adding value to their tank along the way 

Spider tanks’ unique combination of play to earn mechanics will give everyone a chance to play no matter the perspective from which they approach the game.

There will be several ways to get involved if you want to earn and each way will play an integral role in the groundbreaking play to earn the economy of spider tanks.

Being a pilot

The first way to participate in this economy is by being a pilot. A pilot is a spider tank’s player who runs a tank in battle whether that tank belongs to them or someone else.

Every player in the game must compete with an owned tank although that tank does not need to be owned by them .

when a new player joins to play for free they will automatically be assigned to someone else’s owned tank and they will then become the pilot of that tank sharing their battle rewards with the tank’s owner .

Spider Tanks

 Become a captain

The second way to be a part of this ecosystem is to become a captain. A captain is a spider tank’s tank owner and as the owner of a tank you can use your property how you like.

You can play with it in the battlefield or upgrade its parts using resources you have collected but you can also make it available for other pilots in battle allowing you to share in their earned Rewards.

As you upgrade and improve your tank you and your pilots will be able to earn greater rewards in battle increasing your play to earn potential of course you’ll be able to list your tank for sale on

the secondary market at  any time a standard feature of owning your in-game assets as an nft 

Spider Tanks

As a Baron

The third way to get involved in this economy is as a baron .The owner of spider tank’s map is known as a baron,and barons will  host battles on their maps. 

Earning for the activity that takes place on their land, Barons can choose to upgrade maps making it possible to earn greater rewards through a score called battle rankings.

The greater the upgraded map the higher level of tank battles will take place on that map and that means that the most upgraded maps will have the potential to earn the greatest rewards.

Spider Tanks

As a Fabricator

The fourth way to be a part of this player and ecosystem is as a fabricator another way to reap the play to earn rewards of spider tanks is owning a factory .

Factory owners are also known as fabricators, factories have luck ratings and drop ratings that affect the quality of components produced at that factory.

factories can also be upgraded by the owner to increase stats and therefore increase play to earn Potential.

Each factory must be placed in the map of a fabricator’s choice; the fabricator will always earn a portion of the rewards for matches played on that map.

 Upgrading the factory will also mean greater options for the fabricator through expanded map choices.the biggest thing the fabricator will do is fabricate new tank parts. 

As an Emperor

The fifth and final way to be a part of this ecosystem is as an emperor.

This is the big one. Those who must have it all and be a prominent force in spider tank’s plate or an ecosystem will have the extremely rare opportunity to become emperors or owners of planets.

Being the emperor of a planet is simple but increasingly rewarding emperors will receive a portion of the rewards of all battles that take place on every single map on their planet.


How to upgrade tank 

  • spider tank upgrade with each level upgrade. your spider tank assets power increases and the increase will vary dependent on a random chance 
  • the most significant upgrade that any player can hope for is a perfect upgrade which will only happen a small percentage of the time.
  •  However when an already levelled nft is purchased from the gala game store every level that it has has already achieved a perfect upgrade this means that when you buy a tank as an nft from the store that tank is as perfect as it can possibly be.

Spider Tanks

  • Now with the exception of ancient level 30s which are already max upgraded ,All perfect upgrades all purchase tanks can still be levelled up beyond the level at which their purchase but perfect per level upgrades are no longer guaranteed.
  • This upgrade system will make each level up an exciting adventure players will hold their breath hoping for the coveted perfect upgrade and in some cases wishing they had purchased the already levelled up tank instead now.

Spider Tanks

  • There will also be crypto resource earning in spider tanks and the upgrade cycle described before is the core of the spider tank’s plate to earn economy but it’s not the only way to earn in spider tanks.
  •  At first spider tanks will be using a test coin while the economy is balanced but the official play to earn coin of spider tanks is not far away and is coming very soon .

Tips on winning more matches 

  • Play with your team just like any player versus player moba like league of legends or dota playing with your teammates is of the utmost importance because if you’re in a 1v2 or 1 vs 3 fight your odds of winning are so much worse than 
  • when you’re fighting with your teammates and it’s an even 3v3 or maybe even you can take your opponents by surprise and get a three verse two or three verse one fight in your favour.
  •  Don’t just keep using the very first take you try but rather mess around use a lot of different varieties of tanks and guns and legs and finally pick a tank that matches your favourite playstyle 
  • By picking a tank that actually enhances whatever playstyle you like playing with it’s going to make you a lot more successful than trying to force an up close and personal tank to play super far back or vice versa 
  •  Using your shields and special abilities and powers in spider tanks are so so valuable and I cannot tell you how many times i have barely lived and barely killed my opponent because of using a invulnerability shield at the perfect time.

Are Spider Tanks free?

Spider Tanks Crypto Game is an FREE epic new player versus player nft battle arena where you can play to earn cryptocurrency

Can you make money with Spider Tanks?

spider tanks is a Next Generation web 3 game that Awards silk cryptocurrency for playing can then be exchanged for ethereum or US dollar meaning that by playing Spider tanks, you earn money that can be used to buy food in real life.

How does a spider tank work?

spider tanks IS new player versus player nft battle arena. It is a Next Generation web 3 game that Awards silk cryptocurrency for playing games.
silk can then be exchanged for ethereum or US dollar meaning that by playing Spider tanks, you earn money

Is Spider Tanks supported on Mac?

YES! Please download and play the game here -> Get The Gala Games Launcher

Do I have to own a tank in order to play Spider Tanks?

You do not need to own any tanks in order to come play Spider Tanks. There is a set of free rotational tanks that anyone can play. These tanks cannot be upgraded, traded or sold.

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Hey,I am ramesh pal, founder of I am young stock market & crypto enthusiast with passion of helping other in generating wealth. cryptocoinjack is financial educational website related to cryptocurrency, NFTs, investing, blockchain, and news related to crypto.

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